An excellent alternative to pass fun times at home.

In this way you can start enjoying the funniest games from the comfort of your computer, where you can also save and retrieve games easily.
To make use of PCSX it will be necessary that install a PS BIO, once you have it you just have to drag it to the program interface. Here you have the opportunity to get a great variety of titles such as Metal Gear Solid, Tekken 3, Medievil, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot, among many others available. It is worth mentioning that PCSX it will not allow you to use CD images to play, so it will be necessary burn them to a disc to be able to use these games. This is other emulators that you can start using to enjoy each of PS1 games from your Mac computer, this is how here you can use the CDs of this legendary Sony console to be able to enjoy each of your favorite games. It is important to mention that OpenEmu not only emulates what the PlayStation console is, it is also capable of emulating many other video games as it is WII where it allows connect a controller with ease In order to improve the gaming experience for its users, it also works with Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, GameBoy, among many others. And it is that it has been available in the market for a long time where it continues to demonstrate a excellent quality and very good performance, where it stands out mainly for its ease of use and for having one great amount of functionalities. To start with this list we present you OpenEmu, is undoubtedly considered one of the best programs to emulate video game consoles on Mac. Here is a list of the best PS1 emulators for your Mac computer: OpenEmu